Transport Logistic 2021 to be held in Munich from May 4 – 7


The logistics world will meet at transport logistic in Munich to establish, maintain and expand contacts. Messe München GmbH is currently in intensive preparations with the authorities, exhibitors and service providers to ensure that the trade fair is held in accordance with all regulations next year. The Advisory Board of Messe München also firmly believes that the leading trade fair will be the first major industry meeting in Germany since the outbreak of the global corona pandemic.

Last year Messe München succeeded in further expanding its worldwide position and logistics portfolio. With the acquisition of air cargo Africa, air cargo India and air cargo Forum Miami, three further important and successful events enrich the global transport logistics cluster. Due to the current corona pandemic, most of this year’s trade fairs and congresses had to be cancelled or converted into digital formats. This also affected the events of the transport logistic cluster of Messe München. Meanwhile, planning for the 2021 trade fair year is in full swing.

“This year, logistics has once again underlined its importance for supplying the economy and the population. However, local presence and personal contact are still important. Over the years, transport logistic has developed into an important institution for establishing business relations between international companies,” says Axel Plaß, President of the German Freight Forwarding and Logistics Association (DSLV) and member of the Advisory Board of Messe München. “We are closely monitoring the current developments regarding COVID-19. The health of our visitors, exhibitors and employees is our highest priority at Messe München. Since the outbreak of the corona virus, we have therefore increased the necessary security measures and are constantly updating them in line with the current situation. Due to these good preparations, we expect the global logistics industry with all participants from industry, trade and services to attend transport logistic in Munich in May 2021,” says Stefan Rummel, Managing Director of Messe München GmbH.