Events Industry Council Appoints APEX COVID-19 Business Recovery Task Force


The Events Industry Council today announces the appointment of the APEX COVID-19 Business Recovery Task Force, an inclusive body that will work to develop recommendations, guidelines and resources needed to support the industry’s recovery globally. The APEX COVID-19 Business Recovery Task Force will be led by Co-Chairs Michael Dominguez, President and CEO, Associated Luxury Hotels International (AHLI), and Kristin Horstman, Senior Director, Strategic Events, Salesforce.

“The strength of our industry has always been in our ability to work together,” said Dominguez. “There has never been a greater need to give confidence to the meetings and events community that we are working together to ensure a safe environment for attendees that considers the entire journey.” Horstman added, “The events industry has always been about bringing people together to educate, celebrate and entertain. In our new abnormal, we need to focus on stabilisation and recovery. The task force will guide our industry on how we will gather again in safe and healthy environments.” The full task force membership, which represents multiple segments across the events industry ecosystem, will be announced in the coming days.

“This is a pivotal moment for all of the companies, associations and organisations that form the global meetings and events industry,” said Paul Van Deventer, Chair, Events Industry Council. “We are not only looking at how we operate in the near-term given this new reality, but also what kind of legacy we are leaving for the future of our industry. The APEX Commission and COVID-19 Business Recovery Task Force will help us do this with a global approach and understanding.”

“Our industry is adapting to the reality that face-to-face, in-person meetings are not an immediate option, but we have 26 million people with direct and indirect jobs who are ready to get back to work,” said Amy Calvert, Events Industry Council CEO. “Now, more than ever, we need this global task force to aggregate, develop and implement our industry practices moving forward.”

About the Events Industry Council
The Events Industry Council’s more than 30 member organisations represent over 103,500 individuals and 19,500 firms and properties involved in the events industry. The Events Industry Council’s vision is to be the global champion for event professionals and event industry excellence. It promotes high standards and professionalism in the events industry with the Certified Meeting Professional (CMP) programme and signature programme activities. The CMP credential is recognised globally as the badge of excellence in the events industry. The qualifications for certification are based on professional experience, education and a rigorous exam. The four signature programmes – Sustainability, Industry Insights, Knowledge and Leadership – represent the key initiatives, assets, services and products for the Events Industry Council.