Breaking the Code: ECEF 2022 to Feature Leaders Who Succeeded During the Crisis


With the exhibition and convention business in recovery mode, executives are mindful of the need to be better prepared for an extended crisis. Preparedness and optimism dominate the program for the Exhibition and Convention Executives Forum (ECEF), coming to the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington D.C. on June 1.

In announcing the program, Sam Lippman, President, Lippman Connects, said, “It’s not too early to take account of the most practical success strategies.” Because the ECEF emphasis is on top-to-top networking, Lippman stressed that each session will be shorter, highly focused, and more interactive. “This is C-level content that will get executives talking and sharing,” Lippman added.

The program features insights from 13 exhibition and convention industry notables:

5 Key Data Points in 5 Minutes – Sam Lippman starts the day with a fast-paced spotlight on trending data.

KEYNOTE: Business of Belonging: Transformative Events in Extraordinary Times – Erin Uritis, CEO of Out & Equal, reveals how the organization grew membership and sponsorships during the pandemic.

Despite COVID: Surprising Reasons Behind the SHOT Show’s Growth – Chris Dolnack, Senior VP and Chief Customer Officer, NSSF – The Firearm Industry Trade Association; Jeff Pressman, President & CEO, ConvExx.

From the Anchor’s Desk: Exhibitor/Sponsor Delivers the News – Jeannie Wert, Director of Exhibit Management, Siemens Healthineers North America.

The 140-Year-Old Startup – Debbie Holton, President, Metrix Connect LLC, an ASME Company.

Succession: A New Season with an All-Star Cast – Megan Tanel, President, AEM; Nicole Hallada, Senior VP of Exhibitions & Marketing, AEM.

Executive Panel: Navigating the New Normal – Moderated by Ken Holsinger, Senior Vice President – Data Solutions, Freeman. Panelists: Liz Irving, Chief Marketing Officer, Clarion Events; Stephanie Jones, Managing Director, Professional Development & Event Strategy, Water Environment Federation; Robin Preston, Director, Meetings Operations, American Chemical Society; Craig Purser, President & CEO, National Beer Wholesalers Association (NBWA).