Shivam Garg, Additya Jain Co-founders, The LIT App


ES. What inspired the creation of the LIT App, and what problem does it aim to solve in the industry?

Shivam Garg. The inspiration for the LIT App came from personal experiences at family functions, where it was difficult to collect and find photos shared by everyone. This led to the idea of using facial recognition for automatic photo delivery, which was recognized as a problem applicable across various industries.

The app was developed to eliminate the time-consuming process of sorting and sharing pictures, making it easier for everyone to access their photos from any event whenever they like. This global automatic photo sharing platform addresses a widespread need for more efficient and user-friendly photo management in the event industry.

ES. Can you explain how the facial recognition feature works in the LIT App and how it enhances photo organization?

Shivam Garg. The LIT App utilizes AI and machine learning to measure different vectors of a user’s face, mapping it to the user’s name, phone, or email to notify them of new photos. Each person has a unique face vector, making it easy to differentiate attendees. The app matches faces in photos against these vectors to identify and sort each person’s pictures. High-efficiency algorithms of global standards are employed to ensure over 99.9% accuracy in photo tagging and organization, streamlining the process and enhancing the user experience at events.

ES. How does the LIT App ensure high-quality photo sharing? What distinguishes it from other photo-sharing platforms?

Shivam Garg. LIT App maintains the highest quality of photos by not compressing them, preserving their original resolution for any future use. The platform standardizes photo formats without using any compression algorithms. Unlike other platforms that may compromise image quality for storage or speed, LIT App ensures that photos remain in their pristine condition.

Additionally, LIT App supports both web and mobile app interfaces, allows users to connect with friends, and facilitates easy discovery of common pictures across albums. This approach distinguishes LIT App in the marketplace as a platform that prioritizes quality and versatility.

ES. What aspects of the user interface make the LIT App particularly user-friendly and intuitive?

Shivam Garg. Key elements of the LIT App’s user interface that enhance usability include auto-branding of photos with sponsors’ logos, inserting sponsored content with call-to-action buttons within galleries, and supporting social media sharing directly from the app.

The app also offers a customizable privacy setting, allowing users to view either their own photos or all event photos. For event scenarios specifically, the app supports direct posting to LinkedIn, and organizers can access attendee data directly from the app, managing galleries by date, time, or person, which simplifies the event management process significantly.

ES. Can you describe the process of creating shared albums in the LIT App and how users can seamlessly add friends or people to these albums?

Shivam Garg. Event organizers can set up their LIT App account with the help of our team, which configures account details such as shared branding, logos, and sponsors. Organizers can distribute a registration QR code at the event via visiting cards, standees, or digital displays.
Attendees simply scan the QR code, register on the web link with a selfie, and automatically receive their photos from the event as soon as they are uploaded by the organizers or by the LIT team on their behalf.

This process ensures a seamless experience for organizers, as it automates the entire photo sharing and album creation process, making it highly efficient for handling large events.

ES. What measures does the LIT App take to ensure user privacy and data security, especially when using facial recognition technology?

Shivam Garg. LIT App prioritizes user privacy through various modules and custom settings. Users have the option to delete their account immediately after retrieving their photos, and organizers can customize the login form and request data removal post-event, or even delete all photos if necessary. Additionally, the LIT team signs a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with event organizers concerning the use and deletion of data to alleviate any privacy concerns. All data within the app is encrypted to prevent unauthorized access, ensuring robust data security and compliance with global privacy standards.

ES. Are there any additional features or functionalities planned for future updates of the LIT App?

Shivam Garg. LIT App is currently developing a LinkedIn connect module, which will enable attendees to find and connect with other event participants on LinkedIn. Additionally, this feature will allow attendees to discover and share common pictures with each other, enhancing organic social media posting.

This aims to improve networking opportunities, increase sponsor visibility, and provide organizers with free event branding and promotion. Our development team gathers feedback through our business development executives, who interact with various industry stakeholders. This feedback is analyzed, and the most impactful features are prioritized in the production pipeline to continually enhance the app’s functionality and user experience