Exhibition Showcase is organising the first ever India MICE Youth Challenge, to connect the youth with the MICE industry. The event will be held on the  4th of June in Amity University, Noida Campus.The event is being  organised on the sidelines of the Global Exhibitions Day. Colleges from across India are participating in this unique initiative. Please note that there is no entry/participation fees as our objective is to showcase the MICE industry to the youth, so that they can have opportunity to enter this industry. The benefits of participation are as follows:

  • Industry leaders will give a talk on Careers in the MICE industry
  • Get internship offers
  • Placement opportunities in the industry
  • Winners get highlighted in the global media
  • Cash Prizes & Certificates for the top teams

Participating Categories for students:

  • Poster Competition : Send in entries at by 25th May, 2019. Participant has to make a unique poster depicting the significance of  exhibitions and conventions (MICE). The poster can also be symbolic and can represent the significance of MICE industry in terms of trade generation, international markets exploration, Business networking, business expansion, business tourism, or any other aspect. The poster can also be an abstract art. Top entries will get certificates and Top 3 winners will get a cash prize of Rs. 7500/-, 5000/- and 2500/- respectively.


  • Stand Up Business Plan Presentation : Team of 2-3 students will present a business plan to the jury. The presentation will revolve around a business idea and its execution. The model has to be MICE industry specific only. The presentations will be evaluated and only the top  entries will be called for presentation. Last date to submit presentations is 25 May, 2019. Send all entries at Shortlisted teams will get Presentation time of 3.5 minutes and one minute will be reserved for jury Q&A. The winners will be declared on the basis of the jury scores. Top entries will get certificates and Top 3 winners will get a cash prize of Rs. 15000/-, 10,000/- and 5000/- respectively.

Participation in both the categories and event entry is free of cost for the students. Kindly send in the names of your students who will like to participate in the India MICE Youth Challenge.

Event Agenda for 4th June 2019 (3 PM – 5:30 PM):

  • Registrations (free for students)
  • Career Talk on MICE Industry by renowned corporates
  • India MICE Youth Challenge Presentations
  • Announcement of winners of both categories
  • Networking and dialogue
  • High Tea & Snacks




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