IOTSWC To Be Held In May 2021, Promoting A New Digital And Face-To-Face Edition


IOT Solutions World Congress (IOTSWC), organised by Fira de Barcelona and the Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC), is undergoing a total transformation and is gearing up for a new edition which will be held from 11th to 13th May 2021, combining face-to-face and digital participation. IOT Solutions World Congress (IOTSWC), organised by Fira de Barcelona and the Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC), is undergoing a total transformation and is gearing up for a new edition which will be held from 11th to 13th May 2021, combining face-to-face and digital participation. The event, focused on showcasing solutions to digitise industries through the Internet of Things (IoT) and other technologies, is changing its dates, initially scheduled for this October, in order to prepare a renewed and innovative edition which will include an exclusive congress and face-to-face exhibition for professionals with a high decision-making profile and will offer streaming content and virtual participation for a more global audience.

With the slogan “Connect with Game Changers”, the sixth edition of the IOTSWC seeks to bring together the main players that are leading digital transformation in the industrial sphere through technologies such as IoT, Artificial Intelligence, 5G, Robotics and Digital Twin, among others, offering real solutions and knowledge to guide different industrial sectors in implementing these advances, thus ensuring well-being and sustainable growth. With the aim of adapting to new consumer habits and reaching new audiences and markets internationally, the trade show begins a transition to a hybrid model, presenting face-to-face content in parallel with digital approaches. Thus, the event’s physical aspect will consist of a congress and exhibition area, with a networking space and high-value content, aimed exclusively at high-level executives. Alongside this, it will organise an online aspect with the aim of sharing knowledge with an increasingly broad and international audience. In its new edition, the event takes one step further in its search for practical solutions for the digitization of companies through six main topics: security, connectivity, business optimization, intelligence and customer experience, through which it will connect the specific needs and main challenges of industries with companies specialized in deployed such technologies.

Likewise, with the aim of adapting to new consumption habits and reaching new audiences and markets at an international level, the show is transitioning towards a hybrid model, simultaneously carrying out face-to-face and digital content. Thus, the physical event will comprise a congress and an exhibition area, with networking space and high-value content, aimed exclusively at C-Level executives. Simultaneously, it will hold an online program to share knowledge with an even broader and international audience.From Barcelona and ChicagoAnother of the outstanding changes of this new phase of the IOTSWC will be the delocalisation of part of its offer of content, which will be held in other cities around the world with a view to increasing the event’s value proposition and facilitating international participation.

In this way, the start-ups competition, which was launched in the last edition, will relocate to the city of Chicago, and other initiatives are being looked at in other major cities and capitals worldwide.Meanwhile, the trade show will now be held in May of 2021 with a programme of webinars and digital chats to cover content with experts in the sector, thus becoming, throughout the year, a meeting point and knowledge exchange hub for discussion about the main challenges facing industry and its process of digitalisation, as well as the opportunities that new technologies can offer in this irreversible way forward.According to IOT Solutions World Congress Director, Roger Bou: “we are living at a time when changes are accelerating in the world of technology, which offers us an opportunity to redefine the trade show and digitalise part of its content to go a step further and contribute more value to industry, more than ever facilitating a shared space for business and knowledge distribution.” Executive Director of the IIC, Richard Soley, states that: “we are convinced that both the new dates and the event’s new format are keys to success that will ensure the IOTSWC’s leading position as the main meeting point, both face-to-face and digital, for the exchange of knowledge and promotion of business at a key time for industrial digitalisation.”