IESA Chennai Chapter Organises Events Today Conclave Successfully


The First edition of EVENTS TODAY CONCLAVE 2019 organized by Indian Exhibitions, Conferences & Events Services Association (IESA) Chennai Chapter in association with EEMA and along with other six sister Associations, namely TCEI, TEMA, EMAK, KEMA, SOUTH INDIAN PROFESSIONAL AUDIO & LIGHTS WELFARE ASSOCIATION and THGOA was held on 16th & 17th of October, 2019 at The Elite Grand Hotel, OMR, Chennai. The Conclave was inaugurated by Mr. TN Manoharan (Chairman, Canara Bank) who was the Chief Guest for the Event and it was presided by Guest of Honor, Group Captain Mr. Vijay Kumar (ED-MMA).

IESA members supported and participated in the forum. IESA President – Mr. Sunil More, Mr. Vinayak Raskar, VP (West) and Mr. Surinder Vasisht, Treasurer, IESA also attended the Conclave. The joint efforts of the IESA Chennai Chapter team were noteworthy for making the event magnificent, full of knowledge and quality content for every event manager.

With insightful sessions, the event not only gave the opportunity for the delegates to listen to the influencers from the Industry, but also share knowledge experience and ideas with each other. It was a unique and one of its kind Event which had 18 eminent speakers on board whose thoughts and ideas with personalized experiences educated, inspired and motivated around 150 delegates.


Secretary Message

Opportunities to contribute to the industry one belongs to, seldom come calling. IESA has provided this to me personally and to every proud member of the Chennai Chapter. To recognise the vital contribution “Conferences, Exhibitions & Events Services Providers” bring to the larger economy is rarely noticed, much less recognised. With an established, focused and functional chapter in play at Chennai, we welcome all Non-Members in the industry, to embrace the IESA fraternity.

Our Chapter is designed to meet the unique demands of Chennai and Tamil Nadu as a whole, yet with a Nation-wide presence to maximise our opportunity for greater growth with a unified approach to issues that affect one and all. Most often, “Asking the right questions” is the first instrument to creating positive changes. A forum to channel the same and to help contribute to forming a better question, to seek answers, to help define the right answers, all contribute to change and growth. With planned training programmes, presentations and standard-raising contributions, we hope to use the collective experiences of members and other professionals to help further the industry. We recognise the need for holistic growth, for the industry as a whole. To that end, our focus will also extend across all our partners and the qualitative improvements that can be made to the relationships, to help foster a better environment that goes beyond the Service Providers group itself.

No previous trails exist, our path will be new, your support and participation is vital. My abilities as Secretary, will be reflective of your contributions and participation only, how full a vessel I am or become, is entirely in your hands. IESA Chennai is us !

S. John Prabhu

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