Chaired by Mr. Ravinder Sethi, Vice President, IEIA and MD, RE Rogers India, the first UFI Industry Partners Committee meeting was held on 2nd May, 2018 alongside the UFI European Conference at Verona. Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Sethi highlighted that the Initial objectives of this committee are two-fold, i.e. to enhance its contributions to UFI, not just as individual members but also as a committee and second to be recognized across the board as equal partners in the exhibition industry. He also brought out the mission of this committee with the bottom line of offering a vital partnership and adding our valuable support to organizers and venues across key areas and professions to create successful exhibitions, while the focus will also be maintained on sharing of best practices and sharing of knowledge for enhancement of industry standards.

The committee will be focusing on various potential issues in coming future including setting up of health and safety standards that work for all parties, stipulating minimum environmental guidelines that will be adhered to, identifying standard formats for data transfers and to semonstrate the relevance of the service industry for the success of exhibitions by conducting a study with exhibitors and/or organizers and also assessing the $-spend of these groups compared to space related expenses. The Committee will continue its dialogue and come up with an action plan for achievement of its objectives through internal discussions. Next formal meeting of this important committee will be held in October 2018: alongside the UFI Global Congress in Saint Petersburg.


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